Thursday, December 25, 2014



I hope you have a WONDER-FILLED and a WONDERFUL  CHRISTMAS....

It is now 2:59 a.m. and am on my way to the airport.  Have an emergency at home in CO so have an unexpected Christmas home-visit.  Have not been home for Christmas in a long time...but the others were exciting and joy-filled ones.

Life is like varies....and what do I read so often?  Live life with open hands...

The one wonderful thing is that we have no snowy or icy roads and it is not freezing cold.

I pray that your Christmas is filled with all the special blessings of this holy season....and that they overflow into 2015!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Gaudate Sunday....

Gaudete Sunday meaning REJOICE Sunday....we light the third candle....the pink one!  Just two more Advent weeks.  Then we celebrate Jesus' birthday.  Celebrate the reason he came.

REJOICE....that was the theme of this past Sunday's readings...a reminder how we are to be a joyful people.  And truly we have lots for which to be joyful....take a few minutes and reflect on your joys. True, especially our world, our country has so many issues...and often our families, but in the midst of it all...we can find some "joy" pearls...important to keep ourselves positive.

In Sunday's noon message, Pope Francis emphasized JOY....he said "Man's (and woman's) heart desires joy,  Every family, every people aspires to happiness."  He said we are to be "missionaries of joy" and how joy should be part of our lifestyle.

Let's take up Pope Francis suggestion to be missionaries of joy in our families, our neighborhoods, our workplace.


Friday, December 12, 2014

A Special Day....

Yes.  Today is a special day....December 12th....feast of OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE.  We celebrate Mary appearing to the Indian Juan Diego in 1531 on the hill of Tepeyac in Mexico.  She asked Juan to go to the Bishop and tell him that she wanted a church built where she appeared to him.  Of course the bishop thought:  certainly the Mother of God would NOT come to some insignificant ignorant he asked for sign.

And a sign the Mother of God gave him.  When she chatted with Juan Diego again he told her of his conversation with the bishop.  She told him to pick some flowers....winter, no flowers, but there they were, and some not peculiar to Mexico.  Juan put them in his tilma (cape) to take to the bishop.  When Juan opened his tilma to give the flowers to the bishop....on his tilma, imprinted was the image of the Lady with whom he spoke.  Of course the bishop believed.  How much like this doubting bishop we are sometimes!

The events of Guadalupe remind us that regardless of who/what we are, we are called to be bearers of bring Christ into our families, neighborhoods, workplace, parish....wherever we are.

Where are YOU called to bring Christ TODAY?

Gracious God,  empower me to be the image of your Son today.  To image Jesus to all I meet and    also to recognize Jesus in everyone who is a part of  my life.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

wonders continue............

Yes....myriad wonders, but I do not always take note as I am "stuck" with being grateful for the "wonders" of our is absolutely unbelievable that our December is bringing us such beautiful temps. The weekend, they say, will be in the 40's.  Thank you, God!
Appreciate this...for it shall not last.

And, of course, it is my favorite liturgical season as well: advent....season of watching and waiting and slowing down and we prepare to celebrate a special birthday...our Saviour's.

In our preparation, we listen to John the Baptist "proclaiming a baptism of repentance."  To share Janet Schaeffler's thoughts: "Perhaps before looking into the manger (or to the commercials, decorations, gift-buying, etc.) we need to listen to John... (who) emphatically tells us to repent...a simple "about face".  We turn away and turn toward something new.

John's message, the message of Advent, invites us to ask ourselves: Have I gone deep enough?  Am I just living on the surface?  Does the busyness of Christmas preparations disrupt time for prayer, for deepening my relationship with Jesus?  Is my pre-Christmas calendar so full that there is no time for the people in my life, no time for caring for those who are hurting?"

Lots to look at, reflect, take in...and act.


Sunday, December 7, 2014


Yes, I am still singing the wonders of our temps...thank you, God, again for keeping the cccooolllddd far from here for a long while yet....I hope and pray, but knowing will be here sooner than I want....although as I look out my window I see the trees swinging which means there is a breeze....and I'm sure it's not a mellow one.

Anyway to my favorite topic at this time:  ADVENT.  Second Sunday today.  We had a wonderful homily on PATIENCE...something I need greatly.  Have never been a patient person.  I want everything to go JUST I...I...I want it and right now.

Fr. noted three helps:  slow down, watch your expectations, and let go.  Told myself to try them.

Then, for our reading, we had John the Baptist.  My reflection book has a really good idea: 
"Perhaps before looking into the manger (or to the commercials, decoration, gift-buying, etc.) we need to listen to John....who emphatically tells us to repent, which is one of those religious words we might miss.  Yet it is simple (and challenging): an "about face."  We turn away and turn toward something new...

The message of Advent invites us to ask ourselves: Have I gone deep enough?  Am I just living on the surface?  Does the busyness of Christmas preparations disrupt time for prayer, for deepening my relationship with Jesus?  Is my pre-Christmas calendar so full that there is no time for the people in my life, no time for caring for those who are hurting?"

The author then suggests that we place a picture of a traffic turn-around sign on our fridge or com-
puter screen...suggesting we look at where we might do an "about-face" turnaround, these Advent days.

Quite the challenges these days.  Let's wish each other luck and ADVENT BLESSINGS..........

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wonders continue

Yes....myriad wonders, but I do not always take note as I am "stuck" with being grateful for the "wonders" of our is absolutely unbelievable that our December is bringing us such beautiful temps. The weekend, they say, will be in the 40's.  Thank you, God!
Appreciate this...for it shall not last.

And, of course, it is my favorite liturgical season as well: advent....season of watching and waiting and slowing down and we prepare to celebrate a special birthday...our Saviour's.

In our preparation, we listen to John the Baptist "proclaiming a baptism of repentance."  To share Janet Schaeffler's thoughts: "Perhaps before looking into the manger (or to the commercials, decorations, gift-buying, etc.) we need to listen to John... (who) emphatically tells us to repent...a simple "about face".  We turn away and turn toward something new.

John's message, the message of Advent, invites us to ask ourselves: Have I gone deep enough?  Am I just living on the surface?  Does the busyness of Christmas preparations disrupt time for prayer, for deepening my relationship with Jesus?  Is my pre-Christmas calendar so full that there is no time for the people in my life, no time for caring for those who are hurting?"

Lots to look at, reflect, take in...and act.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Looking for God

Beginning our "Be watchful.  Be ready....for you know not when the Son of Man is coming"  from one of our Advent songs. We sang it on Sunday and it has been resonating in my head since.  Not a bad resonating, I guess.

I'm using Janet Schaeffler, O.P.'s  advent reflection booklet "The Marvels and Mysteries of Advent" for reflection.  I find it really good.

In her introduction she notes that we are bombarded with unending messages....especially during the Advent-Christmas season.  She notes that the " main message of Advent-Christmas proclaims the reality of who we are and of all that we have been given: Emmanuel, God is with us, every day within our 24/7 lives....we are comforted and challenged with numerous additional messages: unquenchable hope, profound joy, serene peace, generous compassion, patient waiting, and open-handed service.  These messages tell us much about who our God is, who we are, and whose we are...may the messages of loving mysteries and wondrous marvels touch each of your days."

What wondrous words!  Much to reflect on.  I especially like the "additional messages"...wonderful qualities....wonderful blessings......I wish you these!


Sunday, November 30, 2014

My favorite liturgical season....

You guessed it: Advent.  It's only four weeks (not like our Lenten 8). 

A season of waiting and watching, of expectation, of the soft, quiet snowfall emphasizing the quiet of Advent, of vigilance, of celebrate a special, a famous prepare for how Jesus comes in, oh, so many ways into each of or lives. Advent gets us into that be vigilant for Jesus' daily comings.

I wish you a prayerful, quiet, peaceful Advent

BE WATCHFUL!  BE VIGILANT!  He will come in the most unexpected ways!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Hope you had a wonderful day Thursday....not only enjoying the MUCH with which we are blessed, but taking time to recall and give thanks for all the ways you have been blessed: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually....AND...let's make each day a THANKS GIVING take a few minutes each day....perhaps en route to work, if you do not take time for prayer in the just reflect how you were blessed the day before....or at the end of the day, while you are falling asleep...look at how your were blessed during the day...or be creative, find your own best time.

My title for this "blog"....wonders....and my "wonders" is the beautiful day is actually nice out there, temps are beautiful....just what I like for.....I do not like the cold.  SO...another thing for which to say "GRACIAS!"    

And my favorite liturgical season begins this weekend: ADVENT....the season to take time for quiet, to be await, to prepare to celebrate the birthday of our prepare for his second coming.

I wish you an Advent season of peace, quiet, and vigilance.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Yes, it's that time when we are reminded of the importance of GRATITUDE.  Thanksgiving if we ought to give thanks ONCE A YEAR.  I'm sure we all give thanks lots more than once a year.  Thanks to the "GIVER OF ALL GOOD GIFTS" as our Eucharistic prayer says.  And, of course, we know that EUCHARIST means every time we participate in Mass, we are actually GIVING THANKS....I do not always remember, unfortunately.

And, of course, this feast reminds us of expressing our our family, our work and parish community.  When was the last time you thanked your pastor and members of your parish team?  We just so take it all for granted.  I think we are all SOOOO busy about many things that these "thanks" fall through the cracks.  It's not that we are not thankful, it's just that we forget, and so it appears that we are not appreciative.

Perhaps taking some reflection time, some quiet time to list, yes, on paper, all your blessings---all the persons, the events, the abilities, and, of course, the "stuff"---with which we are blessed...and be grateful, not only to our generous God, but to these people.

And let us keep up our "THANK YOU SO MUCH"....

I wish you a grateful Thanksgiving....and thank you for reading my blog...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Brrrrr guessed it!  We have been freezing here in WI....for me specifically the Milwaukee area.  We do have cold winters, but this just came too early and too much....yet I hear that we in the US are all suffering together, but none like NY.  We need to send them the warmth of our prayers, absolutely.

In spite of the cold we had our Local Community meeting. It's always great to get together and catch up with what is happening with our sisters. And we celebrated two of our sisters' LIFE day....we never even asked how old????

And we continue to keep informed about Human Trafficking and join in whatever ways we can to liberate and protect the victims.  So horrific....and we understand our area is quite guilty.  Lord, forgive us...and do protect and liberate the victims.

I encourage you to learn about human trafficking and do your part as you are able.  Your help is sorely needed.

Keep warm...share the warmth of your faith, of your spirituality.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Another wonderful "quickie"

I just discovered this site....I hope you can access it and subscribe to it.  It is just what the dr. ordered! blessed....and I hope those 3 minutes each day do marvels in your life.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Quickie

I found this prayer which I think is wonderful....

Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout this day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.


Friday, October 31, 2014

All Saints Day/All Souls Day

Nov 1:  All Saints....Nov 2: All Souls...two wonderful feasts.

All Saints we remember those holy women and men whom the Church has pronounced saints....yet I believe we are all saints.  I have always held that a saint is someone who tries to be the best s/he can be or as Matthew Kelly says: to be the best version of yourself.

Do you have someone special "up there"? Your namesake? Someone you admire for how s/he lived? How about your deceased friends, parents?  Absolutely!

Then we have All Souls Day, a consoling feast, when we remember our loved ones who have died.  We pray that they are enjoying eternal joy and peace.  We thank God for them, for who they were for us.  This holy day also is a reminder that we will be joining them....who knows let's be the best we can be "one day at a time". 

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Just returned from a drive of PRAISE and THANKS....autumn beauties.

I get these mediations by Fr. Richard may know of him...a great writer, spiritual guide, Franciscan and more.  I want to share the one I read today on TRUST...something that does not come easy to me.

He writes: "What you can rust is that you are being realize that God is letting this happen to you now to teach you something, to show 'you something, or to love you in a new way...
the Spirit in you allows you to trust that there's a reason for this; God is even in this...when a YES and not a NO first comes to your soul and to your heard, then you can see God in the moment and see guidance in this event being given to you by the provident hand of God.  You can trust nothing is wanting."

Is that not of God...for me right now, YES!

Take time to sit with this.


Thursday, October 23, 2014


I am "finally" back....praise the Lord.

I think I wrote this before....but I am SOOOOOO taken by the beauty of Autumn...those trees, those leaves just leave me awestruck, breathless....standing there with my mouth wide open...and a word of  praise, thanks, and awe.....

And we forget that we are just beautiful....we too are God's "work of art"!  Let's be in awe of each other.


Saturday, October 4, 2014


We have had so many days to celebrate something special:  St Therese, the Little Flower on the 3rd; Angels on the 2nd; my birthday on the 1st; and today, the 4th  Francis of Assisi....the 7th Holy Rosary.  I best stop there.

It is good to have days to celebrate...they balance the ordinary and the dark days.  Balance is ALWAYS the key to being happy:  work, play and pray; give and be open to receive gratefully... now you think of other ways to keep in balance.

The beauty of the Autumn season is beginning to show.  I love to drive and just take in the wonderful artistic work of our is truly breathtaking.  And it is amazing how the trees "know" just the when and the how. 

I hope you, TAKE time to marvel and enjoy this aspect of our marvelous creative divine Artist. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Special Days....

Today, the 14th is the feast of the EXALTATION OF THE CROSS.  We usually see the cross as a symbol of Jesus' death and so a painful memory....yet a grateful sense.  BUT, we know that the cross is a symbol, a reminder of our REDEMPTION.  This is s joyful memory.  How grateful we are for Jesus taking on our load upon himself and SAVING US.  So gratitude.

This feast was established way back (I do not know my history)....but you may recall St. Helena who discovered the true cross.  Why don't your google this....interesting.

Let's renew our gratitude for the CROSS....perhaps by being more intentional in making the sign of the Cross.  Perhaps looking at how we handle the little "crosses" of our dailyness.

THEN....tomorrow the 15, we celebrate the feast of the SORROWFUL MOTHER. ...and why would I be so excited about that?  It is the feast of our congregation:  we are the SISTERS OF THE SORROWFUL MOTHER.   Our sisters locally are getting together for dinner.

Another title is Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows.  We honor seven of Mary's sorrowful events....I'm sure there were more.  I'd like to share them with you.

1.  The Prophecy of Simeon...when baby Jesus was presented in the temple, Simeon said to Mary: your heart a sword shall pierce.
2.  The Flight into Egypt:  Joseph taking Mary and the child fleeing to Egypt to save Jesus' life.
3.  The Loss of Jesus for three days....on their trip to Jerusalem, the 12-year old disappeared...isn't that just like a 12-year old?
4.  Mary meets Jesus on his way to Calvary
5.  Mary is with Jesus as he is crucified and dies on the Cross
6.  Mary receives the body of her Son into her arms....(the Pieta)
7.  Mary buries her son   

These are the "mysteries" of the chaplet of the Sorrowful.  It consists of an Our Father
and seven Hail Mary's followed with a Glory Be...

Perhaps you can join us in this prayer...or the "Stabat Mater"...a long "story" prayer to Mary
See what you can find with google "Stabat Mater".

"Holy Mother pierce me through
In my heart each wound renew  
Of my Savior crucified....(from the Stabat Mater)

Join us in this celebration of gratitude to Mary, our Sorrowful Mother. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Women Friends

I am not sure if I heard this was WOMEN FRIENDS day or week or month or year!!!  But the focus is WOMEN TO WOMEN FRIENDS. 

I think this is wonderful!  How many of us would have thought of taking time out to reflect/think about our women friends.  I am sure I would not have...too many "TO DO'S"...yet it is worth our time to sit and, maybe even write down, the names of our women friends...those women who support us, take time to listen to us, cry with us, laugh with us, pray with us.

I don't know, and I don't have time to look it up, but our Scriptures, either the Book of Proverbs or the Book of Wisdom has some wise sayings about friends.  How about looking that up and reflect on the particular one that "grabs you"....then reflect on the gift of your women friends, thank God for them, pray for them....then take a look at how you are FRIEND...


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Labor Day....

Yes I know.  Labor Day's past.  But isn't every day LABOR DAY?  Whether we labor for a salary or labor non-salaried...we labor....even if you are "retired"...I am sure you too labor.  So much for defending my topic!

The reflection I'd like to share is from Sr. Genevieve Glen as she reflected on labor:  "Work was woven into the human fabric from the start.  We first see God busy about what Genesis calls the work of creation.  The climax of God's creative work was human beings, created in the image of that very
same God.  Entrusted with the care of everything just made or set in a garden rich in fruit trees, the first human beings were also intended to be creative workers, cultivating the future God had built into all living things....Our work's content does matter, of course, but what matters more is what truth it tells about us, what relationships it serves, what fruit it bears.  Does it reveal the image of god or a self writ large? Does it weave bonds or tear them asunder?"

You see why I wanted to share LABOR DAY with you.  We have a few good questions to ponder and reflect about our labor.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Special Mother

First of is a beautiful day weather-wise.  We have had HOTTTT and HUMID....hello this is WI summer!  But today is truly a day to enjoy and be grateful....soon we will be seeing COLOR and then....snowflakes!  I can wait!

The "special mother" is St. Monica, mother of Augustine, the wild one.  For YEARS, I think I heard once 30 not sure about that...but it was a LOOONNNGGG time Monica prayed for the conversion of both her husband and her son.

The power of prayer and patience: both were converted, and as we know Augustine became the great St. Augustine, whose feast we celebrate tomorrow. 

Quoting from "Give Us This Day": Augustine became one of the great architects of Christian theology.  In the vast library of his works he left his mark on virtually every aspect of Christian  doctrine.  Yet if he had left no other legacy than his autobiographical "Confessions" this book alone would assure his place in the history of Christian spirituality  In "Confessions" he reflected on the meaning of his life in light of the pivotal turning point: his conversion..."

You may recall his famous: "You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."

If Augustine could change, there's hope for us all, no matter how we may "stray"!

And Monica, the special mother teaches us "how to deal with people who do not meet our expectations, to be forbearing and nonjudgmental..."  Quite a challenge!

And remember: "My grace is sufficient for you." and for me. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Home again....

I thank the Lord for the safety of all my travels.  Went home (NM and CO) for a family wedding.  It was wonderful to see the many family and friends I had not seen for quite some time.

The wedding was a Spanish wedding...Mass in Spanish, guitar hymns...with a beat!  Happy beat!

The dancing was wonderful too.  I love to dance, so I naturally had a good time.

Then returned to Pueblo for a few more days with my brother and his family, after which they drove me to Denver to spend time with my other brother....again THANK YOU, GOD!

Am back home now....psyching myself up for returning to work tomorrow!!!

Lots to get back to....

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Special Lady

Today is the feast of St Mary special lady!

Actually the special lady of the Church..She is the APOSTLE TO THE APOSTLES.The one Jesus SENT to announce the Good News of the resurrection.  Jesus told her to "go to my brothers and tell them..." The first to see the risen Jesus! A woman! The one he entrusted to take the Good News! A woman! Who said she was not an IMPORTANT lady....

It's unfortunate that in 591 Pope Gregory I identified Mary Magdalene as the repentant prostitute, the sinful woman who washed the feet of Jesus with her tears and dried then with her hair and anointed them with oil. This Pope did her a disservice as she is MORE than we see in the Gospel. The one Jesus chose to a appear to FIRST...and then to asked to be the bearer of resurrection news! THe first proclaimer of the Good NEws! All this specialness: a woman!How happy and grateful we women ought to be! And I love how Jesus called her by name...and calls each of us as well.

How do we repond?

Let's be bearers of Good News....

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Good thinking....

A beautiful day today....we had two "chilly" for WI summer days.  What  a difference the sun makes!

Just found the following and thought it was good to share:

If you are depressed, you are living in the past.
If you are anxious, you are living in the future.
If you are at peace, you are living the present.

Thought that was right on....where are you...most of the time?

Hope and peace!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Some people go abroad...I go to green Bay, just miles big deal, really.

I just had the "get-away bug"!  But where?  Especially for just the weekend.  Did search possibilities.  I am not a shopper, so the  popular area north of us is not for me....primarily shops, and lots of them, but I get bored LOOKING at all I really do not need...may want.

So after some googling I decided on Green Bay.  One of my Sisters agreed to go along.  For two days we slowed down, toured some interesting places, and just enjoyed God's beauty.

On my return, my "bug" was still active, so I actually went to Bastille days which I had NEVER attended...LOTS of people, booths, music, and, of course, French food.  Was there for about an hour, ran into friends from some of my former life, which was great.

It is good to do the unexpected, be spontaneous, and just surprise yourself.

Now I am preparing to go on retreat next annual "spiritual get-away"...will return renewed, refreshed, and having had a spiritual shot in the arm....actually in my whole being!

Do you go on retreats?  The best thing you could do....treat yourself!

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4th....

July 4th!  What is this day about anyway?  What do we really celebrate?  Commemorate?

Fireworks?  Cookouts?  Free day?  Long weekend?

How many of us are consciously aware, not only AWARE....but ALIVELY AWARE, of the WHY and the WHAT of the 4th of July.

We pause, we stop....we celebrate...why?

And should not each day be a celebration of the 4th of July?

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Am looking forward to the weekend...going to the BIG city of Oshkosh!  Business and play...and the drive should be good.

From Dorothy Day:  when you love people, you see all the good in them...all the Christ in them.  God sees Christ in us and so we too should see Christ in others....nothing else....and love them.

Great quote....wonderful idea...quite the challenge...but we try!


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Doing Something Right!

Cannot believe this!  On my first try....I got into my blog...SURPRISE!  MIRACLE!  Thank you, God!

Well, I have no great news to report re our weather...rain....rain...fog...fog...but we are not complaining after the winter we had.

CORPUS CHRISTI....we just celebrated this feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord....the Body of of my favorite feasts.  I have a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament....I owe this to my childhood upbringing.

In my reflections on this feast, we are reminded that we become what we receive: the Body of Christ.  We are FED with the BREAD OF then WE must be bread for all who are part of our lives.    We have the responsibility to nourish and build up this BODY.

How are you bread for others?  What did you do this week to nourish and build the Body of Christ?

Quite a challenge we have!  Best of luck and BLESSINGS........

Monday, June 16, 2014

Hispanic Youth Rally

What a wonderful experience!  About 600+ young people from the Hispanic parishes in the Archdiocese (Milwaukee) gathered at Cousins Center, Milwaukee.  They arrived in cars, vans, buses.  The last time I was in an all-Hispanic youth  gathering was years ago when the Milwaukee and Chicago Archdiocesan Vocation Offices sponsored a National Hispanic Vocation Conference...and we had all the trimmings!

Saturday we had music, dance, color....a sharing of Culture including a Marian ceremony.  It should have left the youth with a renewed sense of pride.

It was truly refreshing to mingle with these young people.  We continue to wish them well, commending them to the Lord to heal any wounds they carry, to give them a sense of pride in who they are, and courage to move forward with their dreams.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, cuida a tus hijos y hijas.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Still "high" from Pentecost

As I noted in my last blog....I LOVE Pentecost!  First how it happened....what followed....the Apostles all speaking in different languages....being understood by the various cultures...if only we had that today....we all "understanding" each other!  and THEN the courage and wisdom and strength the Apostles had to GO OUT AND SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS!

What a lesson for I have the courage to GO OUT AND SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS?  And that, not necessarily by what I St. Francis noted:  Preach, and if necessary use words!

In one of my reflections on spreading the Good News, the questions were: what do you do when gossip starts?  How do you handle someone using God's name disrespectfully?  How do you respond to anger, insults, unfairness?  Our everyday the nitty gritty...that is where I prove my following of the Risen Lord.

The Holy Spirit of the eternal God has come.  S/He is here, s/he lives in us;  s/he sanctifies us;  s/he strengthens us; s/he consoles us.  S/He is the pledge of eternal life!  I pray you re FILLED with this wonderful Spirit and the seven gifts and twelve fruits!


Friday, June 6, 2014

PENTECOST! My favorite....

My favorite?  Not sure about that...but I LOVE the feast of PENTECOST!  The birthday of our Church.  The promise kept.  Never to be left orphans.  Never to be left alone.  Invariable inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Being indwelt by this wonderful breath of God. What more could we ask?

I wish you the blessings above....don't forget to wear red!


Sunday, June 1, 2014

If at first you don't suceed...

Try, try, try...again and again.  Not sure if it is I or ....but I have trouble galore each time I come to post.  Perseverance!

We are totally enjoying our WEATHER,,,,finally!  Praise the Lord for the last few days!

Today I just want to share a wonderful quote I found this past week:

Heal the past.
         Live the present.
                  Dream the future.

What a challenge!

Monday, May 26, 2014


It is wonderful that we set aside ONE day of the year to REMEMBER and BE GRATEFUL...for all those women and men who literally GAVE THEIR ALL for each and every one of us, regardless of our faith, our color, our sexual orientation, our age, our whatever "brands" us.

When you stop and REALLY think about, REFLECT in quiet and seriousness, it thoroughly  blows your "give one's life"....sounds familiar!  Giving one's life for family, for friends....but for those you do not even know....GIVING YOUR ALL....leaving family, friends, country.  Going through tough training...and then, and then, and then....

I watched veterans...and really old ones..."remembering"--being interviewed.  It was tough to watch.  the pain that was still evident, that was still there...deep within....even after YEARS.

Not only TODAY, Memorial Day, but each day ought we gratitude and prayer.
Join me!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Can you believe?


We had a BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL day yesterday:  sunny and pleasantly warm.  I actually went for a long walk...have not done that for months.  So that is my  "can you believe?" # 1.

Now my #2 "can you believe?"  In Sunday's Gospel Jesus  says:  "Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these."  WOW!  We who believe will ACTUALLY do GREATER works than Jesus?  "How could that be possible for ME?"  you may be thinking.  Surely, Jesus did not mean ME!  I am just Me.  But Jesus does mean you and me.  Jesus promised this!

Mark Strobel notes: Through the Church (that's you and me) Christ's love and grace have flourished across centuries and continents.  Jesus' own ministry was limited to three short years and one small stretch of land,.  But the Church has embodied Jesus' ministry for two millennia throughout the world.  Our Lord's peacemaking, healing and care for the poor have been at work in us and through us across the limits of time and place.  We have equaled and exceeded the scope of Jesus' work....In our flourishing and faltering, the power of Jesus' resurrection gives each of us life.  Our works of faith, small and great, will endure because the Risen Christ's love and grace exceed all expectations."

What affirmation and encouragement to continue to be Jesus hands and heart!   Are we special!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wearing mittens....

Yes, would you believe?  I am still wearing mittens.  It is that COLD!  AND this is MAY!!!! The other evening the weather man (it was a man)  suggested that, if you had planted, he would advise you cover the plants for fear the frost would damage them!!!

I just returned from a community meeting...yes, another one, but I love them, cause I get to see the sisters....and chat and catch up.  At the meeting we received such good news from our Vocation Director.  We have quite a number of possible "joiners" of which about six are what we call pre-postulants, the first phase to joining our community. 

What great news!  New members in the making!  We so much want to have women join us on this
journey of prayer, community, and service.  The Church NEEDS more of us, not just more priests, but more sisters as well.  We make such a difference in our Church.

I would ask you to join me in prayer for these women that are beginning their journey to SSM...the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother....that's wonderful us!  Thank you, Lord....and keep them coming!  

How about you? Do you feel God inviting you to this way of life.  Pray, pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and talk to a sister to shed light on our way of life. 

Or you could get info from the web.  Here are a couple of our SSM websites:  (that is our Province)  (this is our Mother Foundress)  (info) thesorrowfulmother
You Tube...

If you visit and would like to give me feedback, you can reach me at

Enjoy your weekend.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Not sure I had shared that two good friends died within two weeks....then this past week one of our elderly sisters also was called home. 

I had lived with Sister in my early years of ministry as she was our cook.  She was always even-tempered and jolly.  I was impressed with her fidelity to prayer, no matter how busy she was.  In her retirement years, she was always interested in how I was doing and would ask about my ministry....she always remembered the where and what of my ministry.  So obviously I am grieving the loss of a friend who took such interest in me, yet I know what a friend I have "up there".

I helps me to see them as my intercessors, my friends who still love me and care for me...and can be "for" me now more than ever.

Thank God for our faith!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


May 4, 2014....a very special day: anniversary of my First Communion.  What a wonderful memory!  67 years ago...I tried to figure how many times I have received the Lord...something like 22, 120!  And the question that surfaces: what difference has this made in my life?  To what extent do I resemble the One whom I receive?  Tough questions!

And another funeral of a friend...I cannot believe the number of friend-funerals I have attended in the last couple of months.  The one wonderful result:  I have ANOTHER friend to bring my concerns to my God.  But it certainly touches my heartstrings....and the memories....and such a reminder that I will be joining them....these funerals are not all happy and not all sad.  Difficult, yes.

Such is the cycle of life....birth/life/death/resurrection.


Monday, April 28, 2014

resurrection blessings...........

Am not sure if I have wished you the hope and joy of our EASTER season....if I did not....I do so now....and overflowing! 

I continue off and on to have problems getting into my a bit challenged when it comes to computers and I get impatient at my "not knowing" and give up.  I try, but not too long!

I hope you have experienced RESURRECTION.  Like one of my reflections noted:  The Easter season calls us to celebrate the Risen Life of Jesus.  It is also an invitation to life in a springtime world,  (when it finally comes!!! to see the stirrings and marvels of death being overtaken by life.  It is a time to taste the wonders of God's goodness in the seasonal cycle of life overturning death.

So let's continue to CELEBRATE RESURRECTION.  Let's continue to CELEBRATE LIFE!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I want to share Fr. Barron's reflection for today...which I think is encouraging and promising for times we struggle "in the deserts" of our life.

"What does the desert signify?
1.  confrontation with our own sin so as to see our dark side
2.  a deep realization of our dependence on God
3.  an ordering of our priorities in life
4. a simplification--a getting back to the basics
   any and all of these

Also a symbolic waiting in anticipation--in hope of better things and in search of hopeful deserts that flower, bloom...

As we near the end of Lent...end of our desert waiting...and move...toward the Holy Triduum, let's prepare for new flowers to bloom..."

I wish you new flowers to bloom in your dailyness.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Working Saturday...

I'm at work today, Saturday.  We have our last catechetical class and I have a few minutes before they come for lunch.  Picked up and set up their lunch, and now I am smelling like onions....strong ones for their sandwiches.

This morning's reflection was based on "I will...cleanse them so that they may be my people and I may be their God."  From Ezekiel.  I've always had a fondness for this quote....The Lord will make me clean so I can be his and so he can be my All.

From:  The Word Among Us:  "Few of us are exiled literally, but all of us have at times lived as exiles from the kingdom of God.  These "lands" each have their own idols.  They all have their own particular sins and, honestly, fairly dense populations.  It might be an exile to the domain of drug and alcohol abuse or the realm of bitterness, anger, and resentment.  Perhaps it's the land of lying, cheating, or stealing or the nation of competition, acquisition, and pride...

God wants to bring you  rescue you and plant you firmly in his kingdom.  No matter how deep your pain, how strong your sin, or how stubborn your heart, God is greater.  His eye is upon you.  His hand is stretched out toward you.  Reach out to him!"  

What HOPE!

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Spring! Or so it seems, as we have had a couple days of good temperatures....BUT....they are predicting snow.  Believe it or believe it, that is WI.  However we enjoy and are grateful for the promise and the "tempting"!

Can you believe Holy Week is already next week?  It seem like we just began Lent.  Interesting, but for me this Lent has seemed short, whereas ordinarily, it drags for me and is LOOONNNGGG.  Not this time!

I LOVE Holy Week!  It's a hangover from my childhood where Holy Week was truly holy, with personal and family prayer, and of course, participating in the liturgical celebrations.

Each year I take off for a Triduum Retreat.  This year I will go to the St. Norbert's Retreat Center in DePere...a silent reflective couple days of prayer and renewal.  Am grateful for this opportunity.

I hope you are able to take quiet time for reflection and prayer....and above all can participate in the liturgical celebrations of Jesus saving grace.

I wish you continued LENTEN BLESSINGS...

Thursday, April 3, 2014

WI Youth Rally

I attended the WI Youth Rally this past Saturday.  Quite the crowd of young people from all over WI.  Well-behaved.

We had a table with our Congregation's information, plus a few give-aways.  We actually had a good number stop by....the attraction was our "Wheel..." kind of like Wheel of Fortune.  One of our sisters in the Caribbean created it.  She did a wonderful job....we re indebted to her.

My SHOCK was at Eucharist.  At the end of Mass the Archdiocesan Vocation Director asked all the Consecrated Life people: sisters and brother, to join them up on stage.  What applause!  Shock #1. 

Then he explained that our intent is NOT to talk them into priesthood and consecrated life, but to assist them in their discernment re where God is leading them.

THEN....he asked anyone who thinks that God may be calling them to these vocations, to come up for a blessing.  I thought, dear Father....these kids do not want ANYONE to know they might be thinking of being a nun/priest.  WHAT A SHOCK!!!  No wait....immediately a large number of    girls and boys flocked up to the front!  I could not believe what I was seeing! 

Thank you, God, for those brave youth who were not afraid to admit that they were thinking of being nuns or priests.  Walk with them as they continue to discern your call in their lives.  Give them the courage to  respond to that call.   

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Only LENT.....

Where I found the following quote, I do not know, but I quite like it:

"Life is not a race, do take it slower.  Hear the music before the song is over."

I guess it does speak to me because I am one of those type A personalities.  I am usually rushing, trying to see how MUCH MORE I can accomplish....lots of doing and having a variety of activities going at one time.  So slowing down is a good Lenten action for me.

Talking about Lent....remember it is LENT, not opportunity LENT to us for transformation...........

I wish you time.  I wish you transformation.....and enjoy the sun!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


We all..from the US and the Caribbean...gathered in Oshkosh this last week for an Assembly....100+.  It was wonderful seeing all the sisters and Associates and postulants and novices....what a home-coming!

We had a great time beyond the business.  Our prayer times were often, our "eating" was constant, unfortunately....lots of sugar to keep us awake, I guess! I was responsible for our opening prayer.  We kept is short but meaningful.

One really exciting part was the sharing of our ministries.  Some sisters shared via brief presentations with/without power-point/slides. Most of us shared via posters which were set up throughout the halls.  Those halls were booming with "lookers"!  I was even excited to find MY poster!

We closed with a beautiful liturgy where Sister Helen, our Provincial, "sent" us to our ministries.  We then enjoyed a festive dinner and said AMEN...God be with you til we meet again.

Many sisters remained for a few days.  Some, like me, left after the dinner as I had a class to teach this morning.  Many were leaving this morning.

COMMUNITY!  Has its ups and downs...this was a really HIGH UP!

I am grateful for the MANY who gave so much of their time and talent to have us enjoy our days immensely.

May the good Lord bless them richly.

For first hand...visit  

Sunday, February 23, 2014

"Be perfect as God is perfect"

You gotta be kidding..."be perfect"?  I like the translation: "be holy as God is holy."  Somehow, I think I can handle the being holy better than the being perfect.  Right for you too?

That is the Gospel for this Sunday...I'd like to hear the variety of homilies today!  I pray that they use being holy as the challenge vs being perfect.

"Turning the other cheek, going an extra mile, and loving our enemies"...quite the challenge.  Jesus does not mince words!   He wants us to "treat everyone, even our enemies and those who have hurt us, as God treats them: with compassion, mercy, and patience.  God treats them with compassion, mercy, and patience.  God wants us to pray for them and to wish them well."

Love like this "releases grace to the other person; it also releases God's grace upon us.  Recent psychological studies back this up, in fact.  They show that holding unforgiveness can lead to depression.  It can fill us with resentment, make us cynical, and even affect our physical health.  But people who practice forgiveness tend to be healthier and more at peace.  So the more we try to follow Jesus' teaching, the more we benefit as well."

I really liked this reflection from "The Word Among Us" to move from my liking to my doing!  All with the Lord's assistance.

Let's try it....imagine how we could change the world...just by changing ourselves!

Hope your week brings you PEACE.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day......

I hope your Valentine's day was truly happy with lots of love shared!

I just came home from my "love sharing". 

I sponsored an afternoon of prayer and reflection for couples: RENEWING OUR LOVE.  I did not want presentations...just time for quiet reflection and prayer on a few questions I had prepared, looking at their past, their present and their future.  Each person spent quiet reflection time alone.  They then got together and shared the results of their reflection and responses to the questions.

During their last quiet time, they created their own vow formula by which they would renew their commitment to one another at our closing prayer.

Following our closing prayer, we shared valentine cookies and other goodies.

According to their was a good experience.  We'll see what we think up for next valentine's day.

And right now....I am exhausted...but ...Praise the Lord for a good experience..........   

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Feeling badly....

Yes, I am feeling badly, feeling guilty for my not keeping in touch via my blog.  My reasons, my excuses, are about the difficulties I have encountered with my eye surgery plus the insufficient hours in a day to accomplish all that piles up on your plate.  I do not wish either of these on you.

Here in Milwaukee we continue the cycle: snow, cold, snow, cold...but we have had no more un-
expected free days....darn!

Our staff and parish council had a day of reflection yesterday.  Wonderful experience!   I was pleased with the openness and willingness to "do whatever he says"!  Our day was centered around Matthew Kelly's message.

Have you heard of Matthew Kelly?  He is, at present, the "prophet".  I went to one of his presenta-tions and he IS, I believe, what the church, we, need right now.  Go to and you will be impressed with his message.  One draw to his site is the "freebies" and good ones, too.

Our parish has chosen to do the Kelly approach, so Christmas we gave out 1500 copies of his book: The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic" and during Lent we will read and discuss it via small groups.  He really has some great ideas to renew our Church....a result of some research he/his company did.

Help us pray that our parish will truly renew....meaning member by member.

I hope you like what you find at Dynamic it changes your life!

peace and all good....pace e bene....was St Francis of Assisi's greeting.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Consecrated Life Day

Some years ago, Pope John Paul set February 2nd as the day to celebrate CONSECRATED LIFE.  In the "olden" days, we used to call it religious life:  sisters, religious brothers, and religious priests...Franciscan, Jesuit, Dominican, Benedictine priests.

CONSECRATED LIFE is our life committed to God via our vows of CELIBATE CHASTITY, POVERTY, and OBEDIENCE.  In this commitment to God we dedicate our lives also to the Church, the people of God, in service, through our VARIOUS ministries of today.  In the "olden" days, our service took the shape of education and health care, primarily.  Today you find us wherever there is an unmet need.

Also in the olden days we had lots of women and men joining our ranks.  It was the only way of service in the church.  Today, we have numerous ways women and men can serve outside the CONSECRATED LIFE. 

Remember, however, that CONSECRATED LIFE is not primarily about DOING.  It is first of all about BEING. 

If you are still searching for your future, and if you feel an attraction for CONSECRATED LIVING, ask the Holy Spirit's help.  Seek out information.  We will NEVER try to talk you into joining us.  That is the work of the Spirit!  I wish you the Spirit.

For those of you already in your chosen vocation of the single life, or diocesan priesthood, or marriage...blessings to you and fidelity in your vocation.  Please keep us in the CONSECRATED LIFE in your prayers. 


Here I am, WE ARE, again FREEZING!  The one consolation is that we are all in it together.  Just like religious community!  We're all suffering TOGETHER!  We're all IN IT together!  And not only in Milwaukee or even Wisconsin!

I am working at home for the second day...and tomorrow is still uncertain, but I think our offices will be open.  I wonder if the school kids are itching to go back to school....I tend to think so.

I'd like to share about the Holy Spirit.  I didn't used to pray much to the Holy Spirit.  I couldn't tell you when my love for the Holy Spirit was born.  Now we are good buddies!  We are in touch a lot. I say "we" because our relationship is not a one way only...She too "contacts" me, moves me, as we say, "inspires" me.  

Reflections from my "Word Among Us": "This close relationship with the Holy Spirit is something that God wants us to develop...a relationship so close that we can detect his (her) subtle movements just as easily as his (her) more obvious ones."

From Pope Francis: "...are we open to the Holy Spirit?  Do I pray to him (her) to enlighten me to make me more sensitive to the things of God?"

"Today, try to identify the Spirit's work in your life.  Pray that you may be open to the word of God, to the goodness in the world, and to the beauty that we experience in creation and in our relationships."

I encourage you to grow in this will change your way of thinking and being.

May the Spirit "blow" into and in and around you!


N.B.  The "her's" are mine.  If a can there be he or she?  So to keep it total, I add "her". 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Brrrrrrrr still....

Yes, we are still freezing.  Had days off from work and school.  This morning it was 25 below, but nothing was called off as some were expecting.  It's pretty tough for kids waiting for their bus!

I grow in my appreciation of those who have eyesight/vision problems.  It's a month and a half since I had surgery on my right eye and one month for my left eye...and I still cannot see clearly....10 more days and I get my glasses....and I will identify with those to whom Jesus gave the gift of sight.   GRATITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My morning reflection noted that we are "tweakable"!  I loved that.  Regardless of my faults and defects I am tweakable.  I can be tweaked! 

Lord, tweak me!  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lost in the new year....

Lost, indeed!  I have had a lot of trouble getting in to post...miracle this evening.

As you have seen on TV, I'm sure, we here in Milwaukee and Midwest have been hit with lots of snow and lots of cold.  tomorrow is a miracle:  33 degrees, I believe.  Praise God!

A quickie as I must go...

Look back and thank God.
Look forward and trust God.
Look around you and serve God.
Look within and find God.

I love this!

NEW YEAR'S BLESSINGS...may you have lots of God-surprises! 

Friday, January 3, 2014


I hope your new year has begun not like us...I hope!  Really awful!

A few Advent/Christmases ago I wrote this poem I would like to share with you.


God:  Unconditional LOVE,

God:  Unconditional MERCY,

God:  Unconditional COMPASSION,

God:  Tender, Forgiving, Caring.

The God I am called to birth.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Can you believe?  2014!  Were you one of those who did not think it possible?  Remember when we were turning 2000?  And all the hoopla?  And here we are 14 years later!  God is great, indeed!

Here in Milwaukee we had just a beautiful light snow almost all day....fluffy beauty!  And best of all, it was not cccoolllddd!

So have you thought of new year's resolutions?  Beware of the new year's enthusiasm!  It happens that in a week we don't even remember the MANY resolutions!!!!

Perhaps this prayer will be an inspiration. 

God of this new year, we are walking into mystery.  We face the future, not knowing what the days and months will bring to us or how we will respond.  Be love in us as we journey.  May we welcome all who come our way.  Deepen our faith to see all of life through your eyes. Fill us with hope and an abiding trust that you dwell in us amidst all our joys and sorrows.  Thank you for the treasure of our faith life.  Thank you for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance of your walking through the day with us.  God of the new year, we praise you. Amen.

I wish you and pray that 2014 will be the most blessed year so far.

Happy New Year!