Sunday, June 16, 2013


Trust has not always been my strong virtue, but it has become a little stronger as I have aged.  That is good because I am being called to TRUST AGAIN!

Trust that the Lord knows that the Lord is in the driver's seat, and so knows WHERE we both are going.

As of last Tuesday at the parish Finance Committee my position was eliminated.  The parish is in dire financial status, so they looked at the figures and "Poof?" eliminate the Adult Faith Formation and RCIA ministries.  I am finding it very difficult to understand how this ministry, basic to the faith life of the parish can just be done away with.  But that is from my perspective...but I cannot but question PRIORITIES.

Yet, I am called to let go and let God!  I believe firmly that the Lord has something I am being called to do, which will be revealed in due time, God's time, not my time...which is last Wednesday!

I have always believed that NOTHING HAPPENS BY ACCIDENT, BUT BY GODCIDENT.  I need to be open, to be patient, and trust that "all things work together unto good"...I heard/read that somewhere!

I would appreciate a little prayer now and then that I connect with whatever it is God calls me to next.


Thursday, June 6, 2013


This is the 6th day of JUNE!  We should be enjoying beautiful sunny, WARM Spring weather.  Instead, I am sitting here with an electrtic heater trying to warm poor fingers having difficulty getting from key to key from being chilled, and looking out to a dark and dreary day...NO SUN!

Our "weathers" have certainly been unkind to all of us....throughout our country and it falls on all of us to replace the unkindness of the weather with our own kindness.

It falls upon us to be the warmth and the sun, bringing joy and hope to those who will pass through our day...TODAY!

I wish you the courage and grace to be that WARMTH, BRIGHTNESS, JOY AND HOPE we so need.