Thursday, December 25, 2014



I hope you have a WONDER-FILLED and a WONDERFUL  CHRISTMAS....

It is now 2:59 a.m. and am on my way to the airport.  Have an emergency at home in CO so have an unexpected Christmas home-visit.  Have not been home for Christmas in a long time...but the others were exciting and joy-filled ones.

Life is like varies....and what do I read so often?  Live life with open hands...

The one wonderful thing is that we have no snowy or icy roads and it is not freezing cold.

I pray that your Christmas is filled with all the special blessings of this holy season....and that they overflow into 2015!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Gaudate Sunday....

Gaudete Sunday meaning REJOICE Sunday....we light the third candle....the pink one!  Just two more Advent weeks.  Then we celebrate Jesus' birthday.  Celebrate the reason he came.

REJOICE....that was the theme of this past Sunday's readings...a reminder how we are to be a joyful people.  And truly we have lots for which to be joyful....take a few minutes and reflect on your joys. True, especially our world, our country has so many issues...and often our families, but in the midst of it all...we can find some "joy" pearls...important to keep ourselves positive.

In Sunday's noon message, Pope Francis emphasized JOY....he said "Man's (and woman's) heart desires joy,  Every family, every people aspires to happiness."  He said we are to be "missionaries of joy" and how joy should be part of our lifestyle.

Let's take up Pope Francis suggestion to be missionaries of joy in our families, our neighborhoods, our workplace.


Friday, December 12, 2014

A Special Day....

Yes.  Today is a special day....December 12th....feast of OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE.  We celebrate Mary appearing to the Indian Juan Diego in 1531 on the hill of Tepeyac in Mexico.  She asked Juan to go to the Bishop and tell him that she wanted a church built where she appeared to him.  Of course the bishop thought:  certainly the Mother of God would NOT come to some insignificant ignorant he asked for sign.

And a sign the Mother of God gave him.  When she chatted with Juan Diego again he told her of his conversation with the bishop.  She told him to pick some flowers....winter, no flowers, but there they were, and some not peculiar to Mexico.  Juan put them in his tilma (cape) to take to the bishop.  When Juan opened his tilma to give the flowers to the bishop....on his tilma, imprinted was the image of the Lady with whom he spoke.  Of course the bishop believed.  How much like this doubting bishop we are sometimes!

The events of Guadalupe remind us that regardless of who/what we are, we are called to be bearers of bring Christ into our families, neighborhoods, workplace, parish....wherever we are.

Where are YOU called to bring Christ TODAY?

Gracious God,  empower me to be the image of your Son today.  To image Jesus to all I meet and    also to recognize Jesus in everyone who is a part of  my life.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

wonders continue............

Yes....myriad wonders, but I do not always take note as I am "stuck" with being grateful for the "wonders" of our is absolutely unbelievable that our December is bringing us such beautiful temps. The weekend, they say, will be in the 40's.  Thank you, God!
Appreciate this...for it shall not last.

And, of course, it is my favorite liturgical season as well: advent....season of watching and waiting and slowing down and we prepare to celebrate a special birthday...our Saviour's.

In our preparation, we listen to John the Baptist "proclaiming a baptism of repentance."  To share Janet Schaeffler's thoughts: "Perhaps before looking into the manger (or to the commercials, decorations, gift-buying, etc.) we need to listen to John... (who) emphatically tells us to repent...a simple "about face".  We turn away and turn toward something new.

John's message, the message of Advent, invites us to ask ourselves: Have I gone deep enough?  Am I just living on the surface?  Does the busyness of Christmas preparations disrupt time for prayer, for deepening my relationship with Jesus?  Is my pre-Christmas calendar so full that there is no time for the people in my life, no time for caring for those who are hurting?"

Lots to look at, reflect, take in...and act.


Sunday, December 7, 2014


Yes, I am still singing the wonders of our temps...thank you, God, again for keeping the cccooolllddd far from here for a long while yet....I hope and pray, but knowing will be here sooner than I want....although as I look out my window I see the trees swinging which means there is a breeze....and I'm sure it's not a mellow one.

Anyway to my favorite topic at this time:  ADVENT.  Second Sunday today.  We had a wonderful homily on PATIENCE...something I need greatly.  Have never been a patient person.  I want everything to go JUST I...I...I want it and right now.

Fr. noted three helps:  slow down, watch your expectations, and let go.  Told myself to try them.

Then, for our reading, we had John the Baptist.  My reflection book has a really good idea: 
"Perhaps before looking into the manger (or to the commercials, decoration, gift-buying, etc.) we need to listen to John....who emphatically tells us to repent, which is one of those religious words we might miss.  Yet it is simple (and challenging): an "about face."  We turn away and turn toward something new...

The message of Advent invites us to ask ourselves: Have I gone deep enough?  Am I just living on the surface?  Does the busyness of Christmas preparations disrupt time for prayer, for deepening my relationship with Jesus?  Is my pre-Christmas calendar so full that there is no time for the people in my life, no time for caring for those who are hurting?"

The author then suggests that we place a picture of a traffic turn-around sign on our fridge or com-
puter screen...suggesting we look at where we might do an "about-face" turnaround, these Advent days.

Quite the challenges these days.  Let's wish each other luck and ADVENT BLESSINGS..........

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wonders continue

Yes....myriad wonders, but I do not always take note as I am "stuck" with being grateful for the "wonders" of our is absolutely unbelievable that our December is bringing us such beautiful temps. The weekend, they say, will be in the 40's.  Thank you, God!
Appreciate this...for it shall not last.

And, of course, it is my favorite liturgical season as well: advent....season of watching and waiting and slowing down and we prepare to celebrate a special birthday...our Saviour's.

In our preparation, we listen to John the Baptist "proclaiming a baptism of repentance."  To share Janet Schaeffler's thoughts: "Perhaps before looking into the manger (or to the commercials, decorations, gift-buying, etc.) we need to listen to John... (who) emphatically tells us to repent...a simple "about face".  We turn away and turn toward something new.

John's message, the message of Advent, invites us to ask ourselves: Have I gone deep enough?  Am I just living on the surface?  Does the busyness of Christmas preparations disrupt time for prayer, for deepening my relationship with Jesus?  Is my pre-Christmas calendar so full that there is no time for the people in my life, no time for caring for those who are hurting?"

Lots to look at, reflect, take in...and act.


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Looking for God

Beginning our "Be watchful.  Be ready....for you know not when the Son of Man is coming"  from one of our Advent songs. We sang it on Sunday and it has been resonating in my head since.  Not a bad resonating, I guess.

I'm using Janet Schaeffler, O.P.'s  advent reflection booklet "The Marvels and Mysteries of Advent" for reflection.  I find it really good.

In her introduction she notes that we are bombarded with unending messages....especially during the Advent-Christmas season.  She notes that the " main message of Advent-Christmas proclaims the reality of who we are and of all that we have been given: Emmanuel, God is with us, every day within our 24/7 lives....we are comforted and challenged with numerous additional messages: unquenchable hope, profound joy, serene peace, generous compassion, patient waiting, and open-handed service.  These messages tell us much about who our God is, who we are, and whose we are...may the messages of loving mysteries and wondrous marvels touch each of your days."

What wondrous words!  Much to reflect on.  I especially like the "additional messages"...wonderful qualities....wonderful blessings......I wish you these!