Sunday, November 30, 2014

My favorite liturgical season....

You guessed it: Advent.  It's only four weeks (not like our Lenten 8). 

A season of waiting and watching, of expectation, of the soft, quiet snowfall emphasizing the quiet of Advent, of vigilance, of celebrate a special, a famous prepare for how Jesus comes in, oh, so many ways into each of or lives. Advent gets us into that be vigilant for Jesus' daily comings.

I wish you a prayerful, quiet, peaceful Advent

BE WATCHFUL!  BE VIGILANT!  He will come in the most unexpected ways!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Hope you had a wonderful day Thursday....not only enjoying the MUCH with which we are blessed, but taking time to recall and give thanks for all the ways you have been blessed: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually....AND...let's make each day a THANKS GIVING take a few minutes each day....perhaps en route to work, if you do not take time for prayer in the just reflect how you were blessed the day before....or at the end of the day, while you are falling asleep...look at how your were blessed during the day...or be creative, find your own best time.

My title for this "blog"....wonders....and my "wonders" is the beautiful day is actually nice out there, temps are beautiful....just what I like for.....I do not like the cold.  SO...another thing for which to say "GRACIAS!"    

And my favorite liturgical season begins this weekend: ADVENT....the season to take time for quiet, to be await, to prepare to celebrate the birthday of our prepare for his second coming.

I wish you an Advent season of peace, quiet, and vigilance.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Yes, it's that time when we are reminded of the importance of GRATITUDE.  Thanksgiving if we ought to give thanks ONCE A YEAR.  I'm sure we all give thanks lots more than once a year.  Thanks to the "GIVER OF ALL GOOD GIFTS" as our Eucharistic prayer says.  And, of course, we know that EUCHARIST means every time we participate in Mass, we are actually GIVING THANKS....I do not always remember, unfortunately.

And, of course, this feast reminds us of expressing our our family, our work and parish community.  When was the last time you thanked your pastor and members of your parish team?  We just so take it all for granted.  I think we are all SOOOO busy about many things that these "thanks" fall through the cracks.  It's not that we are not thankful, it's just that we forget, and so it appears that we are not appreciative.

Perhaps taking some reflection time, some quiet time to list, yes, on paper, all your blessings---all the persons, the events, the abilities, and, of course, the "stuff"---with which we are blessed...and be grateful, not only to our generous God, but to these people.

And let us keep up our "THANK YOU SO MUCH"....

I wish you a grateful Thanksgiving....and thank you for reading my blog...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Brrrrr guessed it!  We have been freezing here in WI....for me specifically the Milwaukee area.  We do have cold winters, but this just came too early and too much....yet I hear that we in the US are all suffering together, but none like NY.  We need to send them the warmth of our prayers, absolutely.

In spite of the cold we had our Local Community meeting. It's always great to get together and catch up with what is happening with our sisters. And we celebrated two of our sisters' LIFE day....we never even asked how old????

And we continue to keep informed about Human Trafficking and join in whatever ways we can to liberate and protect the victims.  So horrific....and we understand our area is quite guilty.  Lord, forgive us...and do protect and liberate the victims.

I encourage you to learn about human trafficking and do your part as you are able.  Your help is sorely needed.

Keep warm...share the warmth of your faith, of your spirituality.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Another wonderful "quickie"

I just discovered this site....I hope you can access it and subscribe to it.  It is just what the dr. ordered! blessed....and I hope those 3 minutes each day do marvels in your life.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Quickie

I found this prayer which I think is wonderful....

Give me faith, dear God, to face
Each hour throughout this day,
And not to worry over things
I can't change in any way.