Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Special Mother

First of is a beautiful day weather-wise.  We have had HOTTTT and HUMID....hello this is WI summer!  But today is truly a day to enjoy and be grateful....soon we will be seeing COLOR and then....snowflakes!  I can wait!

The "special mother" is St. Monica, mother of Augustine, the wild one.  For YEARS, I think I heard once 30 not sure about that...but it was a LOOONNNGGG time Monica prayed for the conversion of both her husband and her son.

The power of prayer and patience: both were converted, and as we know Augustine became the great St. Augustine, whose feast we celebrate tomorrow. 

Quoting from "Give Us This Day": Augustine became one of the great architects of Christian theology.  In the vast library of his works he left his mark on virtually every aspect of Christian  doctrine.  Yet if he had left no other legacy than his autobiographical "Confessions" this book alone would assure his place in the history of Christian spirituality  In "Confessions" he reflected on the meaning of his life in light of the pivotal turning point: his conversion..."

You may recall his famous: "You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."

If Augustine could change, there's hope for us all, no matter how we may "stray"!

And Monica, the special mother teaches us "how to deal with people who do not meet our expectations, to be forbearing and nonjudgmental..."  Quite a challenge!

And remember: "My grace is sufficient for you." and for me. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Home again....

I thank the Lord for the safety of all my travels.  Went home (NM and CO) for a family wedding.  It was wonderful to see the many family and friends I had not seen for quite some time.

The wedding was a Spanish wedding...Mass in Spanish, guitar hymns...with a beat!  Happy beat!

The dancing was wonderful too.  I love to dance, so I naturally had a good time.

Then returned to Pueblo for a few more days with my brother and his family, after which they drove me to Denver to spend time with my other brother....again THANK YOU, GOD!

Am back home now....psyching myself up for returning to work tomorrow!!!

Lots to get back to....