Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Pentecost....I wish you the Holy Spirit! I love Pentecost! I love the prayers to the Holy Spirit. I use "The WORD among us" for reflection and I really liked today's reflection. I would like to share it with you. "How can we tell if this breath of God is actie ion our lives? we will feel energized by the Spirit, and we will want to set our sights on being like Jesus. We will feel moved to go to work for the kingdom, relying on the Spirit's power and guidance. we will try to be more loving, more kind, and more patient. Right now, stop and take a few deep breaths. In your minnd, imagine yourself breathibg in the Spirit and breathing out your sin. Picture yourself accepting the Lord and his plans, and letting go of you own plans and visions. Know that what you are breathing in is pure, holy, and intoxicating. Jesus has great plans for every member of his church. And that includes you!" So....I do wish you the Holy Spirit in all fullness!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Buenos dias...decidi escribir hoy en espanol. No se si habra quien me lo lea. Estaba pensando en la fiesta de hoy: la Asencion...(tambien debo admitir que no soy tan magnifica con mi modo que me perdonan mis erores!) Estaba pensando, resando, really, en la asencion del Senor. Y pense, que tal seria la experiencia de los apostoles al ver al Senor subiendo, subiendo, envuelto en una nube. Luego me dije: you lo voy a hacer. Me voy a poner en esa situacion. Yo voy a ser una de las personas que estaban alli. Y lo hice...que experincia! Ahora tu....has eso tambien para ver que te pasa....
I have been out of circulation for quite a I welcome myself back!!!!!! Interesting how indispensable we are! Blogging has progressed without me. It is wonderful to know that we are not the "end all, be all". Lots has happened while I was "gone"...I will not bore you with that. Here in Glendale, WI, Spring, or really now, Summer, is gifting us with such bright greens....simply grand! We are now beautifying the space around the house with yellow and red flowers...hopefully we will not be visited by four-legged "friends". I am just "shocked" at the variety of bright it! Admire it as I drive around and never tire of its beauty....what a gift! One more thing for which to say: GRACIAS!