Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Consecrated Life Day

Some years ago, Pope John Paul set February 2nd as the day to celebrate CONSECRATED LIFE.  In the "olden" days, we used to call it religious life:  sisters, religious brothers, and religious priests...Franciscan, Jesuit, Dominican, Benedictine priests.

CONSECRATED LIFE is our life committed to God via our vows of CELIBATE CHASTITY, POVERTY, and OBEDIENCE.  In this commitment to God we dedicate our lives also to the Church, the people of God, in service, through our VARIOUS ministries of today.  In the "olden" days, our service took the shape of education and health care, primarily.  Today you find us wherever there is an unmet need.

Also in the olden days we had lots of women and men joining our ranks.  It was the only way of service in the church.  Today, we have numerous ways women and men can serve outside the CONSECRATED LIFE. 

Remember, however, that CONSECRATED LIFE is not primarily about DOING.  It is first of all about BEING. 

If you are still searching for your future, and if you feel an attraction for CONSECRATED LIVING, ask the Holy Spirit's help.  Seek out information.  We will NEVER try to talk you into joining us.  That is the work of the Spirit!  I wish you the Spirit.

For those of you already in your chosen vocation of the single life, or diocesan priesthood, or marriage...blessings to you and fidelity in your vocation.  Please keep us in the CONSECRATED LIFE in your prayers. 


Here I am, WE ARE, again FREEZING!  The one consolation is that we are all in it together.  Just like religious community!  We're all suffering TOGETHER!  We're all IN IT together!  And not only in Milwaukee or even Wisconsin!

I am working at home for the second day...and tomorrow is still uncertain, but I think our offices will be open.  I wonder if the school kids are itching to go back to school....I tend to think so.

I'd like to share about the Holy Spirit.  I didn't used to pray much to the Holy Spirit.  I couldn't tell you when my love for the Holy Spirit was born.  Now we are good buddies!  We are in touch a lot. I say "we" because our relationship is not a one way only...She too "contacts" me, moves me, as we say, "inspires" me.  

Reflections from my "Word Among Us": "This close relationship with the Holy Spirit is something that God wants us to develop...a relationship so close that we can detect his (her) subtle movements just as easily as his (her) more obvious ones."

From Pope Francis: "...are we open to the Holy Spirit?  Do I pray to him (her) to enlighten me to make me more sensitive to the things of God?"

"Today, try to identify the Spirit's work in your life.  Pray that you may be open to the word of God, to the goodness in the world, and to the beauty that we experience in creation and in our relationships."

I encourage you to grow in this relationship....it will change your way of thinking and being.

May the Spirit "blow" into and in and around you!


N.B.  The "her's" are mine.  If a spirit....how can there be he or she?  So to keep it total, I add "her". 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Brrrrrrrr still....

Yes, we are still freezing.  Had days off from work and school.  This morning it was 25 below, but nothing was called off as some were expecting.  It's pretty tough for kids waiting for their bus!

I grow in my appreciation of those who have eyesight/vision problems.  It's a month and a half since I had surgery on my right eye and one month for my left eye...and I still cannot see clearly....10 more days and I get my glasses....and I will identify with those to whom Jesus gave the gift of sight.   GRATITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My morning reflection noted that we are "tweakable"!  I loved that.  Regardless of my faults and defects I am tweakable.  I can be tweaked! 

Lord, tweak me!  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lost in the new year....

Lost, indeed!  I have had a lot of trouble getting in to post...miracle this evening.

As you have seen on TV, I'm sure, we here in Milwaukee and Midwest have been hit with lots of snow and lots of cold.  tomorrow is a miracle:  33 degrees, I believe.  Praise God!

A quickie as I must go...

Look back and thank God.
Look forward and trust God.
Look around you and serve God.
Look within and find God.

I love this!

NEW YEAR'S BLESSINGS...may you have lots of God-surprises! 

Friday, January 3, 2014


I hope your new year has begun well....weather-wise not like us...I hope!  Really awful!

A few Advent/Christmases ago I wrote this poem I would like to share with you.


God:  Unconditional LOVE,

God:  Unconditional MERCY,

God:  Unconditional COMPASSION,

God:  Tender, Forgiving, Caring.

The God I am called to birth.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Can you believe?  2014!  Were you one of those who did not think it possible?  Remember when we were turning 2000?  And all the hoopla?  And here we are 14 years later!  God is great, indeed!

Here in Milwaukee we had just a beautiful light snow almost all day....fluffy beauty!  And best of all, it was not cccoolllddd!

So have you thought of new year's resolutions?  Beware of the new year's enthusiasm!  It happens that in a week we don't even remember the MANY resolutions!!!!

Perhaps this prayer will be an inspiration. 

God of this new year, we are walking into mystery.  We face the future, not knowing what the days and months will bring to us or how we will respond.  Be love in us as we journey.  May we welcome all who come our way.  Deepen our faith to see all of life through your eyes. Fill us with hope and an abiding trust that you dwell in us amidst all our joys and sorrows.  Thank you for the treasure of our faith life.  Thank you for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance of your walking through the day with us.  God of the new year, we praise you. Amen.

I wish you and pray that 2014 will be the most blessed year so far.

Happy New Year!