Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Youth conference

I had the privilege of participating in the national Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis this past week.  What an experience: 25,000 high school youth from 50 states!

It was a couple days of enthusiasm, life, activities, creativity.  I never heard a word of complaint, bad language, or saw any type of negativity.  Where is the media to report all this positive behavior and energy?  Usually we hear only the negative....unfortunately.

These are our future Church and it is wonderful!  We had a "chapel".  I never went in there once that there was not a "crowd" in prayer, personal prayer.  I was totally blown away, as they say, at the LOOONNNGGG lines to receive the sacrament of reconciliation.  Our prayer services and Mass in the Colts's stadium was wonderful....praying and singing wholeheartedly.  The music for me, an "old lady" was a bit LOUD, but it is where our young are. Another surprising thing for me was the silence at prayer....when silence was called for....INSTANT silence was their response.  Truly amazing for me!

Wonderful! Amazing!  Promising! I hope and pray that all these attitudes and behaviors are continued and repeated at their local parishes...for the renewal of the life of our Church.  They can do it...together!  I wish them the very best.

GO! Future Church! GO!  With the Lord's blessings!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Grateful and Helpful....

My prayer has been gratitude for the safety from the recent storms.  We are so fortunate...but then what?  What action(s) can I attach to my gratitude?  I will not enumerate can do that for yourself and THEN follow through.

Perhaps the reflection from Nov 7th is somewhat in this area..."As Christians, we recognize those precious minutes of days or years or decades are on loan from the Lord to be used for is glory and to share his Good News.  We do that in the way we reflect Christ to our family, friends and total strangers.  Every interaction presents an opportunity--and a choice:  To comfort or to afflict?  to love or to ignore?  To heal or to injure?  To accept or to judge.  We know what God desires.  The way we use that gift of time with the rest of humanity is up to us, knowing that ultimately we will be called to account for our choice."  (From "Living Faith" Oct.Nov.Dec. 2013)


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Feast of Mother Cabrini...the first American saint!  She was from Italy, but came to the US where she established many places of ministry for the poor Italian immigrants....actually the Pope requested she come to the US....she really wanted to go to China as a missionary.  The Pope said she was needed by the Italian immigrants...and indeed she was.  The ministries she established flourished as did the order of sisters she founded:  the sisters of mercy.

Great example for us!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Would you believe it will freeze tonight?!  I am not ready for this.  We still have such beautiful Autumn golds and reds.  Being from the Land of Enchantment....after ALL my years up here, I am still not used to the cold....and soon, I presume, the "white stuff"!

Yet it is all beautiful in its own way...and am always awed by God's creativity.  I continue to be amazed at God's power and beauty reflected all around me...Lord, keep me awed!

Where do you experience the beauty, the power, the wonder of your Creator?