Monday, January 30, 2012


I cannot believe I am actually here, on this page.  It has been so long, actually since last year!  Would you believe?

So much has happened since I was here last.  The biggest news is that I am back in the good ol' USA, back from the Dominican Republic. Back to good ol' cold Wisconsin!  Although this winter so far has been wonderfully pleasant...not sure what that means for Mother Earth and her family.

I have been a real pilgrim. In October I returned to Milwaukee.  In December I changed residences.  We have been moving in, setting up, and adjusting to our new home and to our neighborhood.  And for me searching out a ministry...searching out what await me from the hand of the Boss....God.

For a workaholic like me, it has not been easy, this not knowing.  Yet I know that there is a Divine Plan which will be made known to me in God's time, not my time.  And I must be grateful for the peace and serenity that I am enjoying in this "in-between time".  Faith and Trust: two necessary life ingredients!