Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mary and Martha

The story of the busy Martha and the relaxed Mary, which we had on Sunday, is one of my favorites.  Two sisters of opposite personalities and true to who they are.

Which one are you?  A Martha of a Mary?  Or are we a little of both?  I am more a Martha: an action  person.  However as I age, I note that I have much of a Mary...taking time for contemplation, for quiet, accepting life as the Lord plans it...difficult as it can be. 

I'd like to share from "The Word Among Us".  Be a Mary.  "Sit with him and let him speak to you: about his love for you.  Open your heart to him without fear of what will follow.  Whatever your shortcomings, failings and weaknesses, he loves, loves, loves you! He delights in giving himself to everyone who is ready tor receive it.  You can sit, as Mary did, unashamed and truthful about your life and soak up the Father's love for you."

"This story of Martha and Mary shows us that experiencing God's love is the most healing empowering, inspiring thing we an do.  Better than any good work, and more desirable to the Lord, is the flow of love and affection, of knowing and being known, between him and you..  YEs, he seesyour deepest sins, but he looks deeper still.  He knows your desires for holiness, purity, and innocence.  He knows the "real you" ...the you that is willing to swim out of the current anything that pulls you away from him....knowing God's love can help you overcome strength where you are weak..."

What encouraging words...I wish you peace and quiet at the Lord's feet.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Need prayers

Off to retreat....appreciate prayers so the Spirit finds me....and I am OPEN!


Monday, July 1, 2013


What a beautiful day we are enjoying today.....what GIFT!  A rest from all the rainy, overcast days we had.  So gratitude is in order....GRACIAS, gracious God!

I have been wanting to share this for a bit, but somehow, just could not get through with this "blogging"....finally today I was able to get in.

A few weeks ago we had the Gospel asking what our priorities are.  What exactly is important to me?  What comes first?  To what do I give my prime time?  My efforts?

I'm sure we have looked at this issue more than once.  The homilist shared a quote from someone who had a way to determine just what was important in the dailyness of life. 

The tell-tale was in our calendars and in our checkbooks!

Sounds logical?  I believe so.  Check it out!