Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pleasant Changes

Cannot believe the sunny part-of-a-day we have had today....and the good temp...23 or so.  Feels like a heat-wave!  We have had such cccoooollllldddd temps for the last couple of weeks.

Hope your 2015 has begun well and moving just as well.  How are you at New Year's resolutions?  Lots of them?  Hope not.  Cause then we forget...at least I did...what all we planned.  It is best to  reflect on how/where do I want to make a change...and concentrate on that.  One good, serious intent!

Remember:  each day is a new beginning!

BLESSINGS on your 2015....and your plan to change...and become a "better version of yourself" as Matthew Kelly suggests.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Home again...home again....

Yes, I am back in Milwaukee....safely....thank the Lord.  No weather related issues, but certainly scheduling issues. My flight to Denver was no problems at all...return was a totally different story with a two hour delay in departure.  With our time change of an hour ahead, that was LATER.  Then my shared shuttle took the other passengers all over Milwaukee first....or so it seemed, getting me home at 3:30 a.m......yes, morning!  The one plus was that I got to see the city's Christmas decorations, really beautiful....trees all lit up.  It IS helpful to find the positive!

Now we are truly freezing....30 below is nothing to sneeze at...although if we are not careful we will be sneezing!  And more snow is predicted for tomorrow.  At work all meetings scheduled for this evening were cancelled and tomorrow the schools are closed.  Can you imagine the kids?

Hope your holy/holidays were restful, renewing, and joy-filled.

I just have to share the homily I heard on Epiphany.  The presider compared the Magi's gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the gifts we share with our parishes:  time, talent and treasure.  I thought that was a good connection.

So, I pray your 2015 brings you the blessings you need in this new year.