Monday, May 26, 2014


It is wonderful that we set aside ONE day of the year to REMEMBER and BE GRATEFUL...for all those women and men who literally GAVE THEIR ALL for each and every one of us, regardless of our faith, our color, our sexual orientation, our age, our whatever "brands" us.

When you stop and REALLY think about, REFLECT in quiet and seriousness, it thoroughly  blows your "give one's life"....sounds familiar!  Giving one's life for family, for friends....but for those you do not even know....GIVING YOUR ALL....leaving family, friends, country.  Going through tough training...and then, and then, and then....

I watched veterans...and really old ones..."remembering"--being interviewed.  It was tough to watch.  the pain that was still evident, that was still there...deep within....even after YEARS.

Not only TODAY, Memorial Day, but each day ought we gratitude and prayer.
Join me!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Can you believe?


We had a BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL day yesterday:  sunny and pleasantly warm.  I actually went for a long walk...have not done that for months.  So that is my  "can you believe?" # 1.

Now my #2 "can you believe?"  In Sunday's Gospel Jesus  says:  "Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these."  WOW!  We who believe will ACTUALLY do GREATER works than Jesus?  "How could that be possible for ME?"  you may be thinking.  Surely, Jesus did not mean ME!  I am just Me.  But Jesus does mean you and me.  Jesus promised this!

Mark Strobel notes: Through the Church (that's you and me) Christ's love and grace have flourished across centuries and continents.  Jesus' own ministry was limited to three short years and one small stretch of land,.  But the Church has embodied Jesus' ministry for two millennia throughout the world.  Our Lord's peacemaking, healing and care for the poor have been at work in us and through us across the limits of time and place.  We have equaled and exceeded the scope of Jesus' work....In our flourishing and faltering, the power of Jesus' resurrection gives each of us life.  Our works of faith, small and great, will endure because the Risen Christ's love and grace exceed all expectations."

What affirmation and encouragement to continue to be Jesus hands and heart!   Are we special!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wearing mittens....

Yes, would you believe?  I am still wearing mittens.  It is that COLD!  AND this is MAY!!!! The other evening the weather man (it was a man)  suggested that, if you had planted, he would advise you cover the plants for fear the frost would damage them!!!

I just returned from a community meeting...yes, another one, but I love them, cause I get to see the sisters....and chat and catch up.  At the meeting we received such good news from our Vocation Director.  We have quite a number of possible "joiners" of which about six are what we call pre-postulants, the first phase to joining our community. 

What great news!  New members in the making!  We so much want to have women join us on this
journey of prayer, community, and service.  The Church NEEDS more of us, not just more priests, but more sisters as well.  We make such a difference in our Church.

I would ask you to join me in prayer for these women that are beginning their journey to SSM...the Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother....that's wonderful us!  Thank you, Lord....and keep them coming!  

How about you? Do you feel God inviting you to this way of life.  Pray, pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and talk to a sister to shed light on our way of life. 

Or you could get info from the web.  Here are a couple of our SSM websites:  (that is our Province)  (this is our Mother Foundress)  (info) thesorrowfulmother
You Tube...

If you visit and would like to give me feedback, you can reach me at

Enjoy your weekend.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Not sure I had shared that two good friends died within two weeks....then this past week one of our elderly sisters also was called home. 

I had lived with Sister in my early years of ministry as she was our cook.  She was always even-tempered and jolly.  I was impressed with her fidelity to prayer, no matter how busy she was.  In her retirement years, she was always interested in how I was doing and would ask about my ministry....she always remembered the where and what of my ministry.  So obviously I am grieving the loss of a friend who took such interest in me, yet I know what a friend I have "up there".

I helps me to see them as my intercessors, my friends who still love me and care for me...and can be "for" me now more than ever.

Thank God for our faith!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


May 4, 2014....a very special day: anniversary of my First Communion.  What a wonderful memory!  67 years ago...I tried to figure how many times I have received the Lord...something like 22, 120!  And the question that surfaces: what difference has this made in my life?  To what extent do I resemble the One whom I receive?  Tough questions!

And another funeral of a friend...I cannot believe the number of friend-funerals I have attended in the last couple of months.  The one wonderful result:  I have ANOTHER friend to bring my concerns to my God.  But it certainly touches my heartstrings....and the memories....and such a reminder that I will be joining them....these funerals are not all happy and not all sad.  Difficult, yes.

Such is the cycle of life....birth/life/death/resurrection.