Saturday, October 13, 2012

Rome! Here I am!

A hearty GRACIAS to the Lord for a safe flight JFK to Rome, Italy!  Am here for our congregational General Chapter, a meeting to plan for the next five years and to elect our leadership for the next five years.  Holy Spirit, come!

We are so fortunate; our Motherhouse is a skip and a jump from the Vatican, a fifteen minute walk.  I can almost reach out my window and touch the dome!

I just need to share a wonderful reflection I read this week on the Gospel of the fellow who asked Jesus "And who is my neighbor?"  It's from Catherine de Hueck Doherty who notes that "we pass by one another without noticing, without stopping, without the slightest sign of recognition."  She advises that "it is time that Christians began to take notice of each person they meet. a brother or sister...each...needs to be recognized, to be given a token of friendship and love, be it only a smile, a nod of the head...Such love and recognition must always be given with deep reverence, irrespecive of the status...there is something in each of us that has dignity...Let us treat people with integrity and let us listen, listen and pray. ..Let us treat each person with deep integrity and respect and let us console, for through us flows the love of God the Father, the grace of the Son , and the illumination of the holy Spirit."

I was really touched by this reflection and felt I am on the right road.  When I attended Loyola University in Chicago, I lived off campus and walked a few blocks to classes.  I decided I would greet every person I met.  Needless to say, that was quite the experience!

I have continued my practice, not as faithfully, I must admit, and this reflection has served as a reminder of the importance of "noticing", "stopping", "recognizing" and acknowledging the other.  I think the Lord is nudging me!

Let him nudge you too....what difference YOU will make!

From Rome, with love...PACE e BENE!  

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