Thursday, March 1, 2012

Truly inspiring....

It's amazing how sometimes the "same old-same old" strikes you as so new! This happened to me during my morning reflection time.

I use "the WORD among us" and today's reflection was so inspirng for me that I must share it with you.

"We are all temples of the Holy Spirit, and that means that we have something extremely valuable to give out. We have the mercy, compassion, wisdom, and strength that come from the heart of God, living in us. That "cup" of grace we have received is so full that it can't help but overflow out of us.

Loving others as Jesus loves us goes beyond the Golden Rule. God wants us to be his light in the world. Consider the words of St Teresa of Avila: "Christ hs no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours." Every day, in every moment, God has a purpose for you that extends into eternity. That purpose includes everyone you come in contact with."

Talk about POWERFUL! As I said, "nothing new", yet I heard it in a new way. Must have been the Spirit speaking JUST TO ME!

I pray the same for you!

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